

Honda ASIMO Robot



Amazon Web Service

Introduction to Amazon EC2


Introduction to Amazon SQS


Introduction to Amazon S3


Introduction to Amazon SimpleDB


Introduction to Amazon CloudFront




1. Linus Torvalds 创造了Linux核心

当1991年Linux Torvalds发布了 Linux , 便遇到了其他UNIX系统开发者的严厉批评。一些人认为,它使用了错误的计算机架构(32位),根本就是错误的。尽管如此,Torvalds仍然开发他自己的UNIX内核, 最终成为了事实上的web服务器软件(更不要说个人电脑上的流行操作系统)。因为Torvalds发布这个软件是基于GNU许可证的,所以它能比那些在封闭的专有许可证下面的软件传播的更快。


2. The Mosaic Browser Launches



3. W3C 发布CSS1.0规范



感谢CSS, 网站设计现在变的更加容易去维护和创造(即使在浏览器渲染的时候有些微妙变化)。

4. 开源运动的正式开始


非常感谢开源运动。因特网就是在开源的帮助下被创建的,其根源可追溯到20世纪60年代。 1998年的时候,主要参与者在Tim O'Reilly的‘免费软件高级会议’上碰头,决定使用“开源”这一称呼并且开始了开源的第一步。Licensing被发放,用以保护开发者和软件版权,同一时间,允许其他开发者自由分发和修改源代码。

开源以软件的形式使大量的“现代”web更有力量。Wordpress, Firefox, PHP 和 Linux 仅仅少数几个网络上的开发者就影响着web的发展和浏览。如果没有开源协议,软件将会更加封闭,我们会看到更少的创新解决方案。

5. PHP 被Rasmus Lerdorf发布

多亏了开源,像 PHP 这样的动态语言才可以在web开发者之间自由的分发。你很难找到没有安装PHP的主机。 它是web编程事实上的最流行的语言。它被安装在超过2000多万的网站和100多万web服务器上。

当1995年PHP被 Rasmus Lerdorf 介绍的时候,它就迅速被许多人视为一个优秀的web编程语言。它运行在网络服务器上,可以嵌入在html里,可以和SQL数据库很好的工作。它允许开发者快速的去创建和维护复杂的数据库驱动的站点。

有很多在因特网上最流行的站点(过去和现在),都是基于PHP的。 Facebook, Yahoo! 和 Wikipedia 都在运行PHP。 同时,几十个流行的网络应用软件是建立在PHP上的: Wordpress, Drupal, phpBB 和其他许多项目都采用了方便的语言。

6. PayPal 创立

虽然往往引起争议,PayPal无疑是开创了在线处理金钱交易的先河。 PayPal 创立于1998年,当初是作为一种在类似于eBay这拍卖网站上给投标人和卖方之间安全寄钱方式而开发的。PayPal 变的越来越受eBay用户的欢迎,到了2000年2月,每天已经有超过200000的拍卖额。在易趣收购PayPal支付处理系统之后,开始允许商家使用他们的API.该API允许开发人员容易的处理金钱交易,并且为网站访问者的支付服务和订阅提供了方便安全的方式。

PayPal 使得开发者有了一个通过他们提供的服务快速赚钱的方式。 由于它的广泛普及,无论是订阅服务或是一次性费用,PayPal都被用来处理款项。

7. Firefox 发布

在2003年, Internet Explorer制约了web浏览器的空间。IE最大的竞争对手网景公司已经退居其次,基本上没有竞争。微软的web浏览器享受着web浏览器市场总额的94%这个丰厚的份额。因此,竞争的缺乏使得IE项目处于停滞状态,曾经被认为从版本1到6每年都更新的 IE浏览器,变成了,2006年发布的IE7和IE6相差5年这样一个差距。IE发展落后的这些年,引发了Mozilla的开源web浏览器Firefox创作的火花。

2003年Firefox初次发布引爆了现场。Firefox浏览器解决了很多IE陈旧的缺点。 初始发布版本包括了分页浏览,拼写检查,live书签等许多特性,早期的采用者都非常喜欢这个软件。但更重要的是对于web开发者的,Firefox是基于遵循web标准的Gecko渲染引擎的。

Web标准有助于降低web开发的成本和复杂性。当前的兼容设计意味着要支持大量不同的浏览器和他们的渲染‘怪癖’(译者注:不同浏览器渲染效果有所不同)。Internet Explorer不符合web标准是臭名昭著的,使得设计者和开发者的开发生活更加困难(因为他们仍然拥有一个主要浏览器市场份额)。随着Firefox变得越来越流行,并且朝标准和规范推动着新的举措,web会变成一个更好的发展的地方。

8. Ruby on Rails 成为主流

虽然大多数人没有看到这个在web发展史上里程碑式的特别事件,但是Ruby on Rails的崛起式极其重要的,因为它象征着一种广泛的改变-使用框架和敏捷软件开发去高效的开发网站。

David Heinemeier Hansson在2004年发布了Ruby on Rails。自那时起,许多以其他语言为核心的web开发框架也被发布了。 RoR 是一个model-view-controller 框架, 也就是说,它可以用脚手架(scaffolding)和其他辅助方法来消除程序中的重复任务。通过消除这些单调的编码任务,开发者可以在多个项目里有更快的周转时间。

框架加快了开发工作的开发时间和改变的方式。 自那时起,各大网站,像Twitter,就用web框架建立起完整的web服务。当Apple的Leopard操作系统和ROR关联起来的时候,Ruby on Rails成为了一个重要的里程碑。

9. 37 Signals发布了Getting Real 电子书

37 Signals 在过去的五年中一直时最受欢迎的web开发公司。不仅仅是他们建立了优质的产品,同时他们也是现代web开发的精神领袖,特别是对敏捷web开发的拥护。他们的旗舰产品 Basecamp 是被Ruby on Rails的第一个版本构建的,并最终导致了2004年框架概念的产生。他们的web开发哲学已经是他们的一个重要组成部分,在web开发者之间普及。同时他们在2006年发布的Getting Real 电子书也普及小型的敏捷的web开发实践。

Web开发者们已经开始拥抱敏捷web开发实践和Getting Real电子书里的哲学。甚至像Google和微软这样的大公司也减少繁文缛节,接受了这个概念,去用较小的团队更快的开发周期来开发更好的web产品。

10. Amazon 推出云存储和云服务

随着2006年Amazon S3 和 EC2 的推出,云存储和web services正式成为了里程碑。创业公司只需要支持他们的实际使用的带宽费用就可以省掉他们日益成长需要增加昂贵服务器的费用。理论上讲,这种服务你只需要“按你的流量”支付一定费用就可以在几分钟内扩充规模。云web服务创建了一个更快更便宜的传统web服务器的替代品。

云服务在成本和速度方面降低了web创业的门槛。因为云计算,通信的突发意外也不再是问题,当机时间也几乎消除。 云服务确保任何web开发人员可以开始他们的想法,而不必考虑资金或是昂贵的服务器费用,使你的web创意更好的变成现实。

Amazon To Shut Down Alexa Web Search Service; Practically No One Affected


JUST LIKE WATER 通过 Google 阅读器发送给您的内容:


于 08-11-27 通过 TechCrunch 作者:Michael Arrington

Amazon is using the Thanksgiving break to quietly release some bad news - they're shutting down one of its web services - Alexa Web Search. The service, which we first covered way back in 2006, is already closed to new customers, and existing users have until January 26, 2009 to move on to something else.

Amazon says in an email to developers that the reason for the closing is low usage, and I believe them. Google, Yahoo and Microsoft all offer competing services. On the Alexa Web Search site itself Amazon says the service has been "deprecated," which is a fancy word for shut down.

The email:

Dear Alexa Developer,

The Alexa Web Search service will no longer be available to new customers as of November 26, 2008. Use of the service is low, so we are shifting our priorities to other areas where we can provide better service to AWS customers.

The Alexa Web Search service will continue to be operational for 60 days until January 26, 2009. The ProgrammableWeb website offers a list of web services that provide web search.

We apologize for the inconvenience to you.

Thank you,

The Alexa Web Services Team

Crunch Network: CrunchGear drool over the sexiest new gadgets and hardware.




iPod Touch Apps

For iPod Touch:

  • Twinkle
  • Twitterifc
  • mobile Facebook
  • Byline for RSS (offline).
  • mobile Google Reader
  • mobile FriendFeed
  • mobile Gmail

5 Essential Mobile Web Apps

This week we ran a contest asking you to tell us your favorite Mobile Web apps. We got over 50 comments and there were 5 Mobile Web apps that clearly stood out, with multiple mentions. Here then is the top 5, which will be useful to people new to the Mobile Web and wondering what all the fuss is about! We've also listed all the other Mobile Web apps mentioned in our contest post, at the bottom of this page.

1. Gmail Java app for mobile phone: this was noted by 18 people in the comments of our original post. This app is a Java-based version of Gmail for mobile, which features IMAP sync, attachment viewing. Phrases that were associated with Gmail for mobile by our readers included: "just works", "simplicity", "functional", "useful", "a joy to use".

Commenter "mr white" said of the Gmail java app: "This *is* clearly the path of the future. All your e-mails, all the time, everywhere. No more tedious synching with this outlook / that outlook and the webmailer. Now bring on calendar and contacts."

Nathan commented: "A very nice frontend onto a very nice service, and it does a rather nice job of reformatting files for the tiny screen. That's the sort of feature you don't actually appreciate until you're out in the countryside with nary a hardline in sight and need an address that was wrapped up in a .doc in your inbox that you forgot to print."

2. Google Maps for Mobile: mentioned by 11 people. This too is a Java app, which Google released in December 2006. There is also a full-featured version, including GPS Integration, which can be used on Windows Mobile PocketPCs and smartphones. According to our readers, utility is the key factor for this app.

Phil commented: "...my favourite app has to be Google Maps for mobile (on my Sony Ericsson k800i). I use it a lot, from finding my way about places (I've lived in London a year and still have no idea where I'm going most of the time) to turning to the satellite view and impressing friends with the detail I can get on my mobile. The clarity of the maps, one of the main apps benefits that really shines in the mobile version, negates my need for a real map any more, though any time I'm stuck without signal I'm probably also lost too. I'd recommend Google Maps to anyone (with an unlimited or generous data plan and 3G, the maps can be pretty big!)."

Simon uses Google Maps on his N95, noting that "it's fast, plays nicely with GPS and I hope it really pushes Nokia's own mapping."

g0at commented: "My favorite web app is Google Maps. It seamlessly blends the divide of a local application, and web app (as every good web app should). Incredibly useful stuff."

Mr Gunn also uses Google Maps on a Nokia. He says "they've [Google] got a Symbian native version that blows the java version away. The N75 and 95 have better screens so they look better than the iphone already, but the symbian native program runs so much faster, too."

3. Opera Mini: noted by 10 people. Not strictly speaking a web app, but still it's something a lot of people want to download to use as their mobile web browser. Also the recent 4.0 release impressed a few of our commenters. The new features in Opera Mini 4 include quicker scrolling, auto-sizing and faster page rendering. It seems to be the mobile web browser of choice for our readers - odd though that Safari on iPhone got no mentions?!

Jono commented: "It's better than my Nokia's built in browser for many sites because it doesn't get bogged down and run out of memory, plus it saves you money because everything is compressed through Opera's servers."

Miss Universe noted: "The latest version of Opera mobile allows for full page zoom-outs that enable magnification of a specific area of the Web Page."

Marat uses Opera Mini "to check gmail, greader and search the web."

Sean said: "I love how it intelligently modifies web pages (even if it does have to go through their servers)."

4. Fring: noted by 5 people. Fring is a free mobile VoIP software, that lets you connect to all your IM services and talk for free when connected to 3G or Wi-Fi.

Honor Gunday commented: "It allows me to connect to all the IM networks I am part of : Gtalk, MSN, Skype, ICQ and chat, also it allows me to make mobile calls to Gtalk users when they are online and I am mobile. Normally, I would have to pay money to call them, but this calls right to their desktop and works perfectly fine over a slow GPRS connection even. I tested at least 6 apps to come to the conclusion that Fring is the winner among mobile IM/VOIP software."

Uri said: "The all-in-one IM client with great interface and Skype gateway, just makes my wi-fi Nokia e65 a portable skype phone & messenger. It's very useful when sitting at home on a couch not near the desk or simply in Caffes."

5. Shozu: noted by 4 people. Shozu enables you to send your videos and photos from your phone to the Web - e.g. your Flickr account, YouTube, Facebook. The Flickr use case was the one most cited by Read/WriteWeb readers.

Anne Helmond commented: "My favorite app for my N95 is definitely Shozu which enables me to send my pictures to Flickr with just one click. It is the perfect application for Flickr addicts and very easy to install and use. You can enable updates on the photos of your contacts (ZuCasts) and comments on your photos. You can also upload your videos to YouTube but I haven't used that option yet."

Honor said: "It allows me to send the pictures I take with my n80 to Facebook and share with my friends, or email people pictures while I am at an event, shopping for stuff for them etc..."









    网络服务也将在未来五年内发生戏剧性的变化。在新的技术支持下,我们只需通过语音就可以与电子商务网站进行信息交流,不再需要通过键盘敲击来专门创建或输入文字形式的信息。比如在印度,人们之间的口语表达方式比起教育、政府或文化领域的书面表达方式效率更高。在这种情况下,利用“语音对话”界面与网站沟通就比其他方式的接入界面速度更快。将来,人们只通过 “语音站点”服务就可以享受到网站所提供的所有好处和便利,而不管他是否具有读或写能力。语音技术将使得上网冲浪更加容易,只需要一部电话就可以自由地收发邮件、浏览网页、即时聊天、查阅资料等。







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Internet Explorer


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